The credit card has conveniently replaced cash these days. It is a major mode of financial transactions, used for business as well as domestic purposes for receiving and making payment. There are offers galore on these cards in the market. In fact, with so many tempting offers, it becomes difficult to make a choice. More options means you have more to research. You can research about these cards on the Internet as well which should give you a fair idea of what you should ideally opt for. The thing to remember is that it should suit your conditions and budget.
And also see as to which interest rate offers would be more suitable. You need to take into account your spending habits. Correspondingly ,one also needs to consider the number of interest-free days as applicable on the card. Furthermore, one can use the card to suit one's specific requirements, such as whether you wish to use it to make purchases or for balance transfers. In the latter case, do look out for cards that offer zero per cent on balance transfers for a certain time-period.
While comparing and considering the interest rates between different cards, it is impor
Often there may be an introductory offer on a new credit card in the market. But then, one ought to remember that this may be for a limited period and that the rates may vary in the longer run. Of course, the indications are given in small print, and it is impor
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