Still not sure what your credit score actually is? Well, it is a rating given to you by banks measuring the likelihood you'll repay what you owe. Getting a good credit score isn't always easy, especially when you're starting off with a bad one. It takes time, patience, and persistence. The best way to ensure a good score is to responsibly manage your credit. If you pay your bills on time and keep your card balances low over the long haul, you'll be rewarded with a solid score.
Here are a few easy ways you can quickly improve your credit score:
- A good idea is to first find out your credit score; then know how they work. You want higher numbers since they are the best, while lower numbers mean bad credit. The highest score is an 850 and 300 is lowest you can score. Contact a credit bureau or agency to find your score. They'll usually do this through an introductory credit report.
- Look over your new credit report. If there are any errors on it, mark them down with an explanation about each. The credit bureau who ran your report and investigate those errors.
- More importantly than any item on this list, you need to pay all of your bills on time. Nothing harms your credit score more than late payments as well as prompting creditors to raise interest rates.
- Contact your credit card companies to inquire about credit reporting dates. These are when the credit card companies report data on payments to the credit reporting agencies. Your creditors can possibly change the due date to a few days earlier than the reporting date. This helps to make your balance appear to always be at its lowest level. Your credit score will increase in no time with this tactic.
- Find out if your credit card companies can raise your limits. By doing so, the credit card companies helps your ratio to be less than 30 percent. For example, let's say your card limit is $10,000 and you owe $7000. See if the company will increase your limit to 25,000. This makes your less than 30 percent and raises your credit score substantively.
- Finally, it is a good idea to understand credit card ratios. Always know what you owe for each account on a monthly basis and then figure out 30 percent of that total. The balance should always be be less than this figure. If you have a balance below that all important 30 percent mark your credit rating will improve.
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